Darrutri is the pseudonim of Daniel Ruiz-Trillo (Barcelona, 1973), teacher of English, French and Italian in a Secondary School. He has published the books of poetry Truc curt (Ed. El Carro del Sol, 2000), Sal i vi (2001), Sonets sonats (Ed. 96, Carcaixent 2001) and Una estona de sal (Ed. 96, Carcaixent 2002) . He has also published a book of stories tituled Decameló amb set, edited by Rubricata. He has also published poems in some magazines. He has worked as a redactor or collaborator in lots of magazines, fanzines and newspapers (Illacrua, El Queixal, Llengua Nacional, El Punt, El Llaç, El 9, Pàncrees and El Xiulet Interactiu). Nowadays, he writes articles weekly for several newspapers and magazines. He is member of the poetic group TALP (Taller de Literatura Potencial).